Interview: Pinn, Vivan, 2018


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Interview: Pinn, Vivan, 2018
Pinn, Vivan
Birth Year
Birth Place
Halifax, Virginia
Bokka, Leshya
Patel Anisha
Location Created
New Brunswick, New Jersey
Date Created
14 November 2018
Vivian Pinn, MD, was the first full-time Director of the Office of Research on Women’s Health (ORWH) from 1991-2011 at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and NIH Associate Director for Research on Women’s Health. In 1967, Dr. Pinn graduated from the University of Virginia School of Medicine as the only African American woman in her class. Dr. Pinn was a Professor and Chair of the Department of Pathology at Howard University College of Medicine, Associate Professor of Pathology and Assistant Dean of Student Affairs at Tufts University School of Medicine, and Teaching Fellow at Harvard Medical School.

In this interview Dr. Pinn discusses impressions of the women in her life and how this influenced the woman she was to become. She then speaks about the moments in her life that impacted her career path in medicine that coincided with the struggles of being black woman in medicine. She closes this interview with advice to women graduating from college and entering the workforce.
Source Project Description
This interview was conducted by IWL Leadership Scholars as part of an ongoing intergenerational interview program at the Institute for Women's Leadership. Since the inception of the Leadership Scholars Certificate Program in the fall of 1999, students have conducted annual interviews with outstanding women leaders. Select transcripts from the collection are accessible on the IWL website.
Institute for Women's Leadership (IWL), Rutgers University–New Brunswick
For permission to use interview excerpts from the Women's Leadership Interview Archive, contact the Institute for Women's Leadership at Rutgers University–New Brunswick at

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