Interview: Clarke, Cheryl, 2012


Resource class
Interview: Clarke, Cheryl, 2012
Clarke, Cheryl
Birth Year
Birth Place
Washington, DC
Rutgers Graduating Class
Allen-Lee, Nia
Fernandez, Katerin
Location Created
New Brunswick, New Jersey
Date Created
5 December 2012
Cheryl Clarke is a black lesbian feminist whose poetry, editorial work, and career at Rutgers have had a significant impact on black, lesbian, and women’s communities. She is the author of four collections of poetry, often centered around themes of black women’s issues and lesbian issues. She served as an editor of the lesbian publication Conditions for nine years and began working at Rutgers University in 1970. At Rutgers, she served as the founding Director of Diverse Community Affairs and Lesbian/Gay Concerns, which became the Office of Social Justice Education and LGBT Communities in 2004. She was the Dean of Students of Livingston Campus between 2009-2013 and retired from Rutgers in 2013 after 41 years of service.

In this interview, Clarke discusses her upbringing in Washington, D.C. during the Civil Rights Movement, her passion for writing, and the role of feminism. Clarke proposes the idea that we, as a society, must be in the “project of transformation” to “create a new humanity” as we reconcile gender and race issues.


See also an additional interview with Cheryl Clarke, recorded in 2018 by the Rutgers Oral History Archives.
Source Project Description
This interview was conducted by IWL Leadership Scholars as part of an ongoing intergenerational interview program at the Institute for Women's Leadership. Since the inception of the Leadership Scholars Certificate Program in the fall of 1999, students have conducted annual interviews with outstanding women leaders. Select transcripts from the collection are accessible on the IWL website.
Institute for Women's Leadership (IWL), Rutgers University–New Brunswick
For permission to use interview excerpts from the Women's Leadership Interview Archive, contact the Institute for Women's Leadership at Rutgers University–New Brunswick at

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Items with "Related Resource: Interview: Clarke, Cheryl, 2012"
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Film: Cheryl Clarke: The Project of Transformation Interview
Interview: Clarke, Cheryl, 2018 Interview

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