History of Medicine Oral History Transcripts


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Collection Title
History of Medicine Oral History Transcripts
Special Collections in the History of Medicine, George F. Smith Library of the Health Sciences, Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences Newark Campus
Rutgers University's George F. Smith Library of the Health Sciences in Newark maintains a collection of oral history transcripts. The transcripts are part of the library's Special Collections in the History of Medicine. The oral history collection consists of about 40 interviews with medical professionals who worked and lived in New Jersey. The interviews were conducted in the 1980s and 1990s.

We have identified one Black interviewee in this collection: the prominent obstetrician/gynecologist Lena Edwards.

A list of interviews is available on the library's website, but the audio and transcripts have not been published online. In order to obtain a transcript from the collection, researchers must contact Special Collections in the History of Medicine via the contact form on the library's website.

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Items with "Collection: History of Medicine Oral History Transcripts"
Title Class
Interview: Edwards, Lena Frances, 1982 Interview
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