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  • Publication is exactly "Rutgers Alumni Monthly"

Photograph of Edward H. Lawson Jr. with news about United Nations job printed in the Rutgers Alumni Monthly

Photograph of Edward H. Lawson Jr. (RC 1933) printed in the Rutgers Alumni Monthly issue of May 1947, accompanied by a news item from Lawson about his new job at the United Nations. These clippings were preserved in Lawson's alumni biographical file.…

On the Inside of Democracy at Work


Article about Edward H. Lawson Jr. RC1933 in the Rutgers Alumni Monthly of December 1942, highlighting Lawson's work with the War Manpower Commission. Lawson investigates complaints of discrimination and unfair practice in industries because of…

Harry Hazelwood Jr. update in the alumni magazine

The October 1945 issue of the Rutgers Alumni Monthly magazine provides an update about Harry Hazelwood Jr. RC1943, who is graduating from Cornell Law School.